SCA Logistics AB

LUP #39359

  • Address : Sjöfartsvägen 7, 856 34 Sundsvall
  • Opening hours: 07:00-16:00
  • Contact : 060-19 35 00
map to location

Coordinates : 62.4091784, 17.3840188


Welcome to SCA Logistics AB Sundsvall Terminal. To get here, follow the signs to “Tunadalshamnen” (Tunadal port). Opening hours Mon-Fri 07:00-16:00 PLEASE NOTE! No overnight parking in the area around the terminal is permitted.

Gate Check-in


Use the lane to the right. Show your booking number to the gatekeeper, for example 185588-001. PLEASE NOTE! Without the correct booking number you will not be admitted into the facility.


Then drive to the arranged lot for trucks.



High visibility clothing must always be worn! Smoking is prohibited in the area except in designated areas. Idle running is prohibited.

Loading Routine


Clean the trailer with a broom. The cargo space will be inspected! Our paper is a sensitive product: You must clean very carefully! All equipment is available in the blue container next to the arranged lot for trucks.


Go to the shipping documents office and give your booking number, and then an inspector will come to your truck. After you have loaded you will get your freight documents from this office.


If the cargo space is in poor condition the truck will be rejected. Ensure that you have a sufficient amount of edge protection and that they are of an approved type. Ask the inspector if you are uncertain! After inspection, the floor protection paper should be rolled out on the cargo space floor. After that, a forklift truck will lead you to the right place in the magazine.


Maintain eye contact with the forklift truck driver during the loading. During loading, you must never go behind the paper rolls! Secure the load after the rolls have been placed on the trailer. Do not use leverage to secure cargo!


Drive out the same way as you came. Do not forget to pick up your freight documents in the freight documents office!

Drive carefully, welcome back!